Grading Student Responses

Submitted student writing prompts will appear on your home page

Select the submission that you wish to review

The completed writing assignment will appear in the middle of the page

The 'Overview' menu on the right side of the page offers tools to assist you in grading (see Grading Student Responses- Overview Menu help topic for more detailed description of these tools)

Click on 'Grading' to display the grading rubric window

Compete the grading rubric, assign an overall score from 1-100 (this is optional,) and add any overall feedback to share with the student and then select 'ADD' Once you have added the grading, you can click 'Submit' to complete your grading

You can choose to submit it back to the student for revision, or as a final grade

If you wish to save your work before submitting your grading, click on the save icon on the upper-left hand of the screen

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